Can You Learn to Code on Mobile?

Can You Learn to Code on Mobile?

First and foremost, I empathize with the challenges of purchasing a new laptop. In today's thriving economy, many of us can afford to buy a laptop or even a second-hand one. I vividly recall the time when I rented a laptop from a nearby shop to work on a freelancing project. At that stage, buying a new laptop was financially difficult for me. I understand that there are still individuals facing similar financial constraints, just as I did in the past.

Considering this, I decided to experiment: Is it possible to learn coding on mobile phones? Given the shift towards browser-based coding, it is worth exploring the options. In case you are unaware, there are numerous coding labs available from various providers like GitHub, Replit, and CodeSandbox, to name a few. These labs allow you to write code directly in the browser, eliminating the need to worry about powerful GPUs or RAM. While there may be some associated costs, many platforms offer generous tiers.

After researching multiple platforms and watching informative videos, here are my findings:

First and foremost, it is nearly impossible to outrightly say, "No, it is not possible." There might be one or two exceptions where individuals claim to have learned coding on a mobile phone and even made a significant amount of money from it. However, it's important to consider the odds. Only a few people have managed to do so successfully. So, what is my recommendation? Naturally, it depends on your financial situation, but I encourage you to give it a try.

I picked up my Android phone and installed popular applications like SoloLearn. To my surprise, there is now an abundance of such apps available. These apps can be divided into two or three categories. The first category includes text-based and quiz-based applications. In my opinion, using these applications is a waste of money since they simply present text that you can also read in a browser. Answering questions does not truly teach you coding, so I suggest avoiding such apps. The second category comprises apps that allow you to write code. CodeSandbox, for example, has an app (available on iOS) along with a few others. However, for me, it was an incredibly frustrating experience. Writing code on a touchscreen with a small virtual keyboard was painful.

My suggestion is to invest in an external keyboard and cable if you cannot afford a laptop. Connect them to your mobile phone, and your learning experience will improve significantly. While there are limitations, it is possible to learn at least the basics of coding. I understand that you may not be able to install any desired packages or develop production-grade, high-quality apps or websites. Nonetheless, it is a viable option that allows you to make progress in your coding journey. The industry is evolving, with coding labs and platforms moving towards browser-based solutions, and they are gradually expanding their reach to mobile devices as well.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on learning to code on mobile devices. Have you tried it before? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? Are there any specific apps or platforms that you found helpful? Please share your insights and suggestions in the comments below.


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